Training for all Phases of Employment
At Hoge Fenton, we strongly advocate that employers train their
management and staff to anticipate and reduce the ris ks of claims by employees. And in the event of a claim aris ing, these proactive measures can even reduce the amounts of penalties awarded.
Hoge Fenton supports our clients with both general audience webinars and custom training sess ions presented directly to managers and HR pers onnel. Some of the topics we have presented on are lis ted below.
- Applicants and the Internet – Us ing Social Media for New Hires
- Background Checks and Employee Screenings
- Navigating State and Federal Drug Screenings
- Effective and Legal Job Interviews
- Onboarding techniques to Protect your Confidential Information, Trade Secrets, and other IP
- Wage & Hour Compliance Course
- Class ifying Employees and Contractors to Avoid Expens ive Mis takes
- Exempt Nonexempt Class ifications and Titles
- San Francis co’s Unique Compensation Laws : Paid Sick Leave, Minimum Wage, and the Health Care Security Ordinance
- San Jos e’s Unique Minimum Wage
- Employee Benefits Updates
- Privacy and Social Media in the Workpla ce
- Lea ves of Abs ence Primer – And overview of dis ability and pregnancy dis ability, FMLA, CRFA, berea vement and reproductive loss, paid sick and kin care, ADA, and workers compensation leaves.
- What Ma nagers Need to Know About Lea ves of Abs ence
- Adva nced Lea ves of Abs ence – the interaction between FMLA, CFRA, the ADA, and other laws
- Record Retention Policies and Bes t Practices
- Disability Claims and the Intera ctive Process
- Effective Performance Reviews
- Ma ndatory Harassment Prevention Tra ining (AB 1825 Sexua l Harassment Prevention Tra ining)
- Ma ndatory Workpla ce Violence Prevention Tra ining (SB 553)
- Diversity, Equity, and Inclus ion in the Workpla ce
- Eliminating Bia s
- Tra de Secret Audits and Security Mea sures
- Proper and Legal Terminations
- What Managers Need to Know about Terminating Employees
- Techniques to Protect Confidential Information and Trade Secrets at Termination
- Non-Competes and Non-Solicits Overview