
Hoge Fenton Welcomes Emma Lloyd & Sara Shapero

By Hoge Fenton | 11.10.2020 | Firm Announcements

Hoge Fenton is pleased to welcome attorneys Emma B. Lloyd and Sara. M Shapero to the firm’s Business Litigation Group.

“We are thrilled to welcome two associates to our growing firm and, specifically, to our thriving business litigation practice group. Our firm’s associates are a talented, hard-working, and intelligent group. We have no doubt that Emma and Sara will fit right in,” said Hoge Fenton Business Litigation Chair, Alison P. Buchanan.


Emma B. Lloyd is a member of the firm’s Business Litigation Group. Emma represents clients in complex commercial disputes, including breach of contract, fraud and tort claims. Emma has handled matters through all stages of litigation, from case inception through appeal.

For more about Emma, click here.

Sara M. Shapero is a member of the firm’s Business Litigation Group and Family Law Group. Sara is an accomplished litigator who has represented clients through all stages of litigation including case preparation and evaluation, discovery, motions, and trials.

For more about Sara, click here.

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