
Webinar Recording | Hiring: First Impressions Matter…and So Does Not Getting Sued

By Hoge Fenton | 04.8.2021 | Employment Law

Thank you to everyone who joined us for our Hiring: First Impressions Matter…and So Does Not Getting Sued webinar.

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Do not hesitate to reach out to our Employment Law Team for any hiring, managing, pay and separation of employees related questions, and visit our our News & Events page for our latest legal alerts and events.

Our Employment Law Team

Sarju Naran

Employment Law Chair

60 South Market St., Ste. 1400

San Jose, CA 95113

D: (408) 947-2456

Email Here

Jenn Protas

Employment Law Attorney

60 South Market St., Ste. 1400

San Jose, CA 95113

D: (408) 947-2435

Email Here

Maysa Saeed

Employment Law Attorney

60 South Market St., Ste. 1400

San Jose, CA 95113

D: (408) 947-2434

Email Here

This information is provided as an educational service by Hoge Fenton for clients and friends of the firm. This communique is an overview only, and should not be construed as legal advice or advice to take any specific action. Please be sure to consult a knowledgeable professional with assistance with your particular legal issue. © 2021 Hoge Fenton

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