
Lee P. Bardellini Passes

By Hoge Fenton | 03.17.2017 | Firm Post

With great sadness, we announce the passing of our dear friend and colleague, Lee P. Bardellini.

Lee was admitted to the State Bar of California in 1972 and quickly gained the respect and admiration of his peers. He was part owner and served as Vice President and in-house counsel for Del Norte County Title Company, and as in-house counsel for Western Title Insurance Company. Prior to joining Hoge Fenton, Lee was a partner in the former Bardellini, Straw, Cavin & Bupp LLP, a boutique law firm that specialized in real estate and business litigation, real estate transactions, and title insurance/escrow. Lee was a leading authority on the McEnerney Act, which addressed the significant real estate title issues arising from the loss of records in the 1906 San Francisco earthquake and fire. He was often called upon to act as an expert witness in title litigation, and was regarded by many in the legal, title, and escrow industries as a legend and a mentor.

Lee was a delightfully witty, talented, and gentle soul. We will miss him enormously.


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