
What Happens After Someone Dies

By Hoge Fenton | 05.6.2013 | Archived

Death is a difficult and feared subject for most people. Most of us tend to put off dealing with the steps we can take to prepare get our fi nancial aff airs in order.  However, the loss of a loved one creates a seemingly endless list of things that need to be done by those who are left behind. While some of the those tasks can be put off for a time after a death, there are many legal, fi nancial, and practical decisions that must be made immediately. For a person who is grieving, the pressure to make these decisions can be overwhelming. The following checklist, while not exhaustive, can help alleviate some of the stress and complication by identifying, in advance, some of the more important tasks that must be completed soon after a death.

Our guide is intended to serve two purposes:

  • Provide you with a list of things you can do to help those you leave behind in the event of your incapacity or death.
  • Help caretakers of elderly or terminally ill persons to prepare for, as much as possible, and address in advance many of the diffi culties that will come with the incapacity or loss of a loved one.

The guide is not intended to be a comprehensive discussion of estate or trust administration issues, so please contact us if you have questions related to your situation.

Click here to download the Taking Charge guide (pdf)

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