
March 2021 | Women’s History Month Spotlight

Meet Rosie Gomes-Harr

Rosie Gomes-Harr is a Paralegal based in the firm’s Tri-Valley office. She works primarily in the areas of Corporate/Real Estate and Estates and Trusts.

What thrills you about working at Hoge Fenton?

Like everyone in the world, I have a story and a history filled with highs and lows. My journey with Hoge Fenton started in one of those low points in my life (in my personal life, I should clarify). However, that low quickly turned into a high. From my first days on the job, the people at Hoge Fenton made me feel comfortable, welcomed and respected. Through the years, I have been given the opportunity to grow professionally. I work at a job that is challenging, sometimes frustrating, but always interesting.

Why is Women’s History Month important to you?

I feel fortunate to have what I consider a very strong female role model. My mom found herself a divorced woman with two young kids to raise at a time when divorce was still a dirty word.  She had to work multiple jobs to keep a roof over our heads and food on our table. She was often tired and frustrated, but never too tired or frustrated to make my brother and I feel like we were the most important people in her world. She drove an ordinary car, wore ordinary clothes, and made ordinary food, and in doing all those ordinary things taught me to appreciate and celebrate all the everyday miracles that life has to offer. She is my biggest supporter and my rock. Because of her I know that I can achieve anything I set my mind to. You won’t find her in any history book, but she is my history. She is like a million other women who get up every day and accomplish miracles for the people who love them. I worked my hardest to pass all my mother’s teachings down to my own daughter. I see all the ways that my daughter is better than I was. She sees the world through better eyes than I did as a young adult, and because of her I learn more every day.

Tell us how you’re living the Hoge Fenton vision?

Hoge Fenton aspires to be a business that cares about its employees.  I try to do my part to help newer employees by lending my support, sharing my knowledge, and giving a hand up to others who are just starting their careers.  My legal career started with someone giving me a chance.  That chance changed the course of my life, and I’ve never looked back with any regrets.  I want to help someone else make the most of their chance.  Some day when I retire, I hope that there is someone waiting to fill my position that I inspired, even if only a little.

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